creative Services

  • MArketing consulting

  • content creation

  • event production

  • photo / VIDEO

  • LIVESTREAM production

  • sponsorships


Xzylem is a creative collective of passionately unique visionaries and content creators with a focus in Music, Action Sports, ART, CRAFT BEER, AND CANNABIS. Intertwined with a hunger for adventure and an enchantment with the outdoors, we strive daily for ORGANIC individuality. The Xzylem Collective is a full service marketing and management group that provides an unmatched sense of community and a drive to NOT do “what’s cool", BUT “WHAT WORKS”. tapping our large network of creators and makers we build custom teams, strategies, and budget structures for each individual project. We are also a bit selective when accepting clients. this is to ensure the best possible work; work that we are all proud of and passionate about! we embrace the "friends first" mentality, So drop us a line, let’s get lunch!

what is Xzylem?

we first must look to nature for the illusive meaning of this brand name; we must look to the providers of breath and life, trees! All creative inspiration, when you dig deep, stems from nature's perfection and trees are the finest representation of this. A tree is very much like a metaphor for life... or business if you'll allow it. TREES and the outdoors inspired the structure of our business model and the attitude we bring into every project and relationship. 

the Marketing TREE analogy

According to modern science the Xylem (no "z") is the vascular system of a tree. This system transports water from the roots up through to the rest of the tree. the other half of this system is called the phloem. the phloem brings nutrients from the leaves back down to the roots. Without the Xylem and the Phloem functioning properly the tree will not survive. In relation to marketing, our clients ("The Roots") have certain products or ideas ("Water") that need to be introduced and spread throughout their marketplace ("tree"). To be most effective with every project we take a lesson from the Phloem. after completion we analyze each project and return that information ("Nutrients") to you, the Roots. The most effective marketing efforts aren't always the most obvious to see, and those are the ideas that we strive for! That is where we, The Xzylem Collective, facilitate sales driving delivery of your marketing message to ensure sustained and healthy growth of your tree!